60 minutes
Second opus of a series on the sacred, Myth, a musical odyssey for women’s choir, questions what connects us to other human generations by examining myths and common wisdom: the art of make-believe and the fear of our own mortality.Between a recital, a concert and a ritual, the performance combines lyricism, orality and relational art into a celebration of the breath of creation and the polyphony present in origin myths, in which many voices come together and resonate in a perpetually exalted present.In an open stage recalling a tea room, a prehistoric cave, or a campfire, the choir moves around amidst the audience and reconfigures time and space according to the proximity of each voice, as it oscillates between a sense of intimacy and the feeling of standing inside a cathedral.

« A captivating women’s choir. Borne by sublime vocal polyphonies, […] the show is non-stop shivers, a spiritual journey, sacred and poignant, a return to our roots and a true hymn to feminine vitality. »
— Le Devoir
« They carry us into the clouds and take us on a journey deep within ourselves. They float through our bodies, our hearts… It is hard to explain. It has to be felt. Mythis a quasi-mystical experience that invites us to commemorate the people that have passed away, to honour life, and to laugh in the face of death. It is a powerful and magical celebration of everything that makes us human.»
– La Fabrique crépue
« The voice of Bielinski, a modern-day coryphaeus, is exceptionally clear and accurate, as precise as it is powerful. Together, the voices of the five women create moments of tension, of counterpoint, at times wonderfully delicate, at times profoundly ruthless.
Some will die many times throughout the show (as the person sitting next to me commented), struck down by the sheer beauty of the moment; others will go on a very different journey, inside a life that thrives and soars, in spite of everything. »
— Montheatre.ca.
Ideation, music, text and staging
Mykalle Bielinski
Technical direction and staging assistance
Claudie Gagnon
Sophie Devirieux
Mykalle Bielinski + Florence Blain Mbaye + Laurence Dauphinais + Émilie Monnet + Elizabeth Lima
Odile Gamache
Sound design
Colin Gagné (2022)
Joël Lavoie (2019)
Lighting design
Hugo Dalphond
Mentor to movement
Mélanie Demers
Choir Conducting
Stacey Brown + Mélodie Rabatel
A delegated production of LA SERRE-arts vivants
60 minutes