Mythe, précédé de Gloria
Éditions du passage, 2021
[in French and English]
In this free-form cosmogonic and exploratory collection, Mykalle Bielinski interweaves voices and songs, constructs and deconstructs narrative, and draws inspiration from ancient wisdoms to help us meditate on our contemporary quest for meaning and the mystery of existence.
From the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thödol) to Claude Gauvreau's Exploréen, via Mircea Eliade's observation of rituals, Mythe précédé de Gloria is a syncretic text that crosses eras, cultures and languages to bring us back to our own relationship with finitude and the cycle of existence.
Ici première - Plus on est de fous plus on lit
It's not about realism or everyday life; it's about fantasy.
I loved it; I'd never read anything like it before. For me, it's a great work, completely assumed, and put forward with strength and candor, without judgment, without uneasiness, without restraint. It's a kind of mantra, the work literally directs our breathing.
Steve Gagnon
Nuit blanche
What immediately strikes me about Bielinski's project is the resonance and movement she infuses into the poems. Her words are protean, tracing a perfect circle, then becoming a Moëbius ribbon that stuns and carries with it its own disappearance.
It's beautiful in its arrangement, evoking fall, loss, fragility, but also a form of eternity. A few pages later, everything explodes. The texts scatter like confetti, gravitating on the leaves. There's something playful about the formal proposition that keeps me on my toes.
Valérie Forgues
CISM 89.3 - Art de vivre, vivre d’art
Mykalle explores the beginning of time: what was there before you, before us?
To write here is to defy death.
Mykalle takes us back to the phase of the world still unseen at the beginning, when humanity was made up of fabulous stories